Let RUNNING be your child or student’s commitment to being healthy and let MaraFun help you do it!
Welcome to MaraFun 2025: Saskatchewan Marathon, a LIVE running event experience. Once again we are offering our 6-week or 10-week programs with support, weekly newsletters and more, plus a race day in your own community (if running virtually). Or join us once again for the live Fun Run in Diefenbaker Park on Sunday, May 25, 2025.
10 Week Program begins March 17 and ends May 25, 2025.
6 Week Program begins April 14 and ends May 25, 2025.
The Mara-Family-Fun Program is back by demand and now you can register for either the 10 or the 6 week program. Depending on what you register for, your program will also begin March 18 or April 15. Minimum four family members* (including 1 or 2 parents), everyone receives t-shirts (before t-shirt deadline of registering by March 31st) and medals!
*additional family members can be added to your Mara-Family-Fun Team for $17.50 each. This option is NOT available for school teams.
Final LIVE race date is the last Sunday of May. On May 25, 2025 we will be back for a live running event at Diefenbaker Park. If you are running the Virtual event, your Team Leader will choose your Race day.
Included in your 2025 registration:
- A finisher's medal.
- A free 10-week or 6-week easy-to-follow training program from Craven SPORT Services.
- A t-shirt with an area to personalize your built-in race bib.
- Digital MaraFun race certificate.
- Access to our MaraFun Private Page with additional content, videos and more.
- Chances to win great prizes from the Saskatchewan Marathon partners and sponsors.
*NEW: Please note that ALL Team leaders and Family team captain (even virtual teams) MUST arrange someone to pick up their t-shirts in advance of the run. Package pick-up is mandatory. We will not be mailing out any boxes this year.

Step 1 - Create a Team - Teachers, Team Leaders & Mara-Fun Family of 4
*Team Leaders: REGISTER yourself as a Team Leader and create your team name. Click the REGISTER button to the right. Please then share your team name with your team's youth/students/parents so that they can register and join the team as well. To come back and see who has currently registered on your team, click VIEW TEAMS on the left side.
*Parents: If your child's school is not able to participate, you may create your own team, with the understanding that YOU are the TEAM LEADER. Please register yourself as a Team Leader first...or register through the new Mara-Family-Fun Team if you are a family of 4 or more (Not sure how to sign up? Call and talk to Jeff at 306-716-0869)
*If you are new to the Program, please be sure to email or call Jeff and he can walk you through the process. Students/Parents need to be aware of their Team Leader and their Team/School Name to register correctly.
Step 2 - Adding Team Members to an Existing Team - Parents & Additional Mara-Fun-Family Members
*Parents: REGISTER your child by clicking 'Register' and selecting the MaraFun Registration INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION USE ONLY option (Note: parents must complete the form "for someone else" sign waiver for students).
*There are some cases where the Team Leader may choose to register their whole team.
Step 3 - Registration Package information
We will provide you with the registration package with complete details. Starting March 17, Team Leaders AND Parents will receive weekly newsletters with running tips, nutrition tips, videos, updates and more.
The 2025 MaraFun 10-week and 6-week program will be provided to each Team Leader once they register.
MaraFun Private Portal
MaraFun registration is open! Other resources such as the Student Tracker, program, and other useful tools delivered in the weekly newsletters. Registering also gives you access to our MaraFun Portal Page to access all the resources in one convenient place.
Contact Jeffery Culbert: jculbert@onpurpose.ca Phone – 306-652-1400 ext. 4.